
Ox Race Instructions

Happy Coronation weekend , the Ox races are nearly upon us and the deadline for deferring or transferring your place has passed, if you’re unable to attend the race now, you can complete the race virtually  Stay up to date with last-minute information in the Facebook Event. Race instructions are below please read them carefully as they

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dark dahs series

Dark Dash Series

The Dark Dash Series sees three races in the dark at Moors Valley Country Park. For those brave enough for the challenge, runners could complete all three (choosing all the short distance or all the long distance races) and get a bonus series medal. Monday 31st October – Halloween Trick or Treat – 5 Miles

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Events update for 2023

We always like to keep you updated with what’s happening in the White Star Running world in regard to future events. We last updated you in August 2022 (see the Facebook video here if you missed it) to explain where we were at and what our plans were for the rest of 2022. We hope

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A Change To Banked Entries

In our October update we announced a change to the way we operate out banked entries. We’ve always offered a Fair Runner Policy to give our runners as much flexibility with entries as possible. We allow transfers and deferrals up to a given deadline. We also allow you to ‘bank’ your entry with us to use on

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2023 Provisional Dates

We know lots of you like to be organised and fill your race calendars, so we thought we’d share the provisional dates we already have agreed with Landowners: Dark Moors – Saturday 28th January (enter now here) Larmer Tree – Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th March (enter now here) Ox Races – Saturday 27th, Sunday

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