A Change To Banked Entries

In our October update we announced a change to the way we operate out banked entries. We’ve always offered a Fair Runner Policy to give our runners as much flexibility with entries as possible. We allow transfers and deferrals up to a given deadline. We also allow you to ‘bank’ your entry with us to use on a future race if you can’t decide or commit to which race you want to transfer to. We have, over the years, built up more than 1,000 banked entries, some dating back 2016.

As we’re moving to a new entry system, we need to sort and organise these entries. Also, from a practical and business point of view, it’s not sustainable to hold this many banked entries going forward.

It’s already written into our race terms and conditions that a banked entry has to be used within a year, though we’ve chosen not to enforce this until now. However, moving forward, from 2022, we do ask that you use your banked entry towards a race within 12 months.

The small number of banked entries that we have from 2016-2018 will be deleted from our system as we transfer them over. If you have a banked entry from a 2019-2021 race, we ask that you use it for a 2022 race if you’ve not already requested this.

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