Run Jurassic Update

So, it will probably come as no surprise to you that because of the Covid-19 situation in the UK we are cancelling the Run Jurassic race scheduled for 26/27September 2020.

We have been in constant contact with the event partners, landowners and all parties with an input into the event over the last few months. We have hung on to the hope that the easing of lockdown restrictions would accelerate. This has sadly not happened. We are a UK Athletics affiliated company and follow the guidelines for outdoor sporting events set down by UKA and the government.

This cancelation is really a postponement to 2021. 2021 will be third time lucky for the half, 10k and kid’s races after last year’s storm blew the race away. We are gutted to have to put this off again. The routes and opportunity to run in the beautiful landscape is a real honour for us to show to you.

So here’s what we are doing:

Option 1 is do nothing; your entry will be automatically transferred to next year’s races taking place over 25 and 26 September 2021.  If you find that at a later date you are unable to make that date, then your place is still transferable to another race or someone on the waiting list like our normal procedures-

If you have already booked accommodation with Freshwater Beach Holiday Park they will move your accommodation to the 2021 event you just need to email or call the office to arrange this on 01308 897317 or [email protected] 

Option 2 Earn the medal virtually!  We have worked out a way that you can earn the medal, receive a Muff and special limited-edition t-shirt that will only be offered to those of you that have entered the races already. (Kid’s Virtual option will gain them their medal and a muff) Please keep an eye out on Facebook for the designs.

If you would like to take up this offer then please email: [email protected] with the t-shirt size you would like. Once received we will send you details of what you need to do and how to submit your evidence.  Basically during August or September all you have to do is run the distance of the medal (over the month if you prefer rather than in one go 😉).  Once evidence is received, we will get everything posted out to you.  Now the ESPECIALLY important part – if you would like to run this virtually please email and confirm t-shirt size by the 29 July 2020.  Orders for the t-shirts will be processed on the 30 July 2020.

The Jurassic Coast Trust, our event partners, would also like to include their thoughts in these challenging times and here is a statement from Lucy Culkin, CEO of Jurassic Coast Trust for the Dorset and East Devon World Heritage Site.

“On behalf of the Jurassic Coast Trust, I am disappointed to advise that, in consultation with our partners and land owners along the coast, we will not be able to support the ‘Run Jurassic’ festival of events planned for September 2020.

Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the whole coast, including operations of our partners who are still considering ways to safely re-open their businesses and facilitate visitors.

In recent weeks we have witnessed significant increases in visitors when the coast and its businesses have not been ready to manage this influx.  We feel that it would not be responsible for us to support an event which may add pressure to an already fragile infrastructure, particularly when local communities are adjusting to new ways of working.

We are grateful to White Star Running for being understanding and accommodating to our decision, and as a runner myself, I understand how disappointing this will be for those who have been training and hoping for an event this year.

We will continue to work with WSR and our partners to create a bigger and better race for 2021.”

We will return in 2021, we love this race and the Jurassic Coast Trust who asked us to create the event. In the meantime, stay safe and well and see you sooner rather than later


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