Next in our ‘We ❤️ Dorset’ series

Continuing our posts on our county, we have to mention our very special relationship with Sydling St Nicholas. Giants Head Marathon is our flagship event, and it was our first-ever race. It’s also sold out and sold out some more for 2021. There are enough people on the waiting list to fill the race all over again. But why is it so popular? We think that part of it is down to the people of the village. Sydling St Nicholas comes alive for the GHM weekend.

It is the most gorgeous, picturesque village with thatched cottages and tiny bridges over the small Sydling Water – everything that’s great about rural Dorset. It’s peaceful and calm, until they let hundreds of you lot take over once a year! The residents make this race what it is. They help with the event, the local WI ladies do the food and there’s an epic barn dance, with super strong cider. But it’s also down to the sheer beauty of the course. It’s steeped in history. In Sydling St Nicholas itself, the font is over 1,000 years old and the clock is one of the oldest in England, dating back to 1593.

The route is glorious, with stunning countryside views. While you’re going up the many steep inclines, you might never want to do a WSR race again, but once you get to the top you’ll forgive us – promise! It’s worth the climb. You also get a view of the famous Cerne Abbas Giant, the chalk hill figure that stands at 55 meters high! Yes, it’s a giant naked man, but it’s iconic and worth a picture stop. Then you get to take your own small version home with you with our medals! If you want to do this race one day, you have to be super fast. As soon as entries open for 2022 later next year, get on it!

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