New race photo system

Race photos are important to us at White Star Running. And we know that you love them too! We’ve been looking for a more elegant solution to uploading race photos, so you can find your own pictures a little more easily.

Up until now, race photos have been uploaded to Facebook by our wonderful photographers, and you’ve had to hunt through to find yourself. Not only that, we know some people aren’t on Facebook and we wanted to make them more accessible to everyone.

Therefore, we’re really pleased to say that we are now using The Search Factory for our race photos going forwards. We’ve got some of our past events on there already so you can have a look and see what you think.

Going forwards, all our race photos will go on to this platform. The Search Factory has two clever ways of searching for you pictures.

  1. You can enter your race number and it will find any matching images. Note, this is an automated process, so it can only find photos where your race number is clearly visible. Of course, if you’re wearing your race number correctly, then this shouldn’t be a problem. If we can see your number and read it by eye, the computer system should also be able to find it!
  2. You can use the super-cool ‘selfie’ search. Upload a picture of yourself and the system will hunt down your face in race photos. Now, we know your race face might not always match your resting face, but it’s a pretty cool feature and having tested it ourselves, it’s pretty accurate!

You can also just have a browse the old-fashioned way too.

We have always made race photos available to you for free, and that hasn’t changed. You will be able to download a digital version of your photo directly from the website and share on your socials etc. In the future, we may be able to offer payable options for prints and merchandise as an extra option, but there will still be the option to download a version for free.

Go and have a play, and let us know what you think!

Find out more about race photos from past and recent events here:

Go to our new The Search Factory page:

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