Lockdown Frolic Prizes

So it may not surprise you, but we have finally managed to finish making our way through all the evidence submitted for the Lockdown Frolic!

We asked you to show us how far you ran and boy did you pull in some fabulous achievements. From first runs back from injury, to furthest run ever, to birthday runs and quick dashes to avoid the torrential rain. It was certainly a day to never forget.

We said we’d award prizes for furthest run for a Team and a Solo runner….so….drum role please

It was a closely fought category as you can see from these top achievers:

Mileage Solo Runner
53.21 Wayne Gibbard
56 Cain Harbut
59.27 Billy Price
60.74 Andy Mutter


Mileage Team Name
127.6 MV Meerkats
127.72 Swindon Swingers
130.72 Udderly Legendary Muskie Moovers
134.07 WSPH Sinners Team 1
137.42 Flock of Flanci
141.07 Fabulous Flanci Frolickers
146.34 Chilli Balls
147.28 I’m not sure if I am running or just walking funny


If you missed Andy’s post on Facebook about the other category winners:
Best team name was Cirque Du Sore Legs
Evie Mills won the pair of trainers because she set the tone of the whole thing by having her face painted as a cow
Delilah Video was won by Chris Martin‘s Team
The winning pictures are shown in the post pinned to the top of our Facebook Group 
If you loved taking part in Lockdown Frolic why not sign up to our next virtual event Trick or Treatathon for a Halloween run.
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