2022 Black Belts and Rosettes

Back in December 2021, we announced which races would qualify you for our Black Belts and Rosettes for this year.

As Cranborne was cancelled, any of the Giants Head races will be counted to make up your 6th race, or the upcoming Mapperton Half or 10K can be used for your Rosette race.

If you’re planning to claim a black belt this year, please email in with your races and times ([email protected]) so you can be awarded your Black Belt or Rosette at either Run Jurassic or Mapperton.

2019 results can be seen here: Final Black Belts & Rosette Standings – White Star Running

Jim Whitmarsh is currently the only ‘Fifth Dan’ runner still in contest for achieving this great accomplishment for five years, having completed five marathons this year.

Black Belts go in this order, so please also include which year you are claiming for when you email us:

Orange – First Dan

Blue – Second Dan

Pink – Third Dan

Green – Fourth Dan

Yellow – Fifth Dan

Congratulations to all those who have completed the challenge! Once we know what races will make up the 2023 challenge, we will let you know.

Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about our provisional dates (there’s a sign up box on this page).

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