It’s good to be back – Larmer 2022

It’s been too long! We’re so happy to be back in action at White Star Running, and looking forward to a busy race season ahead. Here, RD Andy has put together some thoughts and thank yous following Spring Larmer Tree from a ‘behind the scenes’ perspective.

Did everyone enjoy it? We are back!

We had a funny week in preparation for this race. Weather, as ever, influenced how the races unfolded. Rain in the early part of the week meant we couldn’t access big parts of the routes in a vehicle – meaning we had to rethink some of aid stations. I think it ended up okay though.

Hope you enjoyed the dog races and the new 7 miler? The Larmer Tree races are one of the events where we can accommodate dogs (many event venues won’t allow it, as they’re working farms). There are also dog-start options at the upcoming Ox Races. The 7 Mile event was introduced as a great option for those looking to step up from a 10K distance, without the jump to the 10 Mile. We hope this helped make the weekend even more inclusive.

An extra well done to Rhino Boy Chris on making it round the Larmer Marathon without incident and in full rhino suit to complete his 99th marathon! We wrote a bit about Chris in the build up to this event, which you can read here. We hope to host the rhino back at White Star Running again soon.

Oh, and we hope you saw the herd of deer, including the three white ones, on Saturday during the race? Just serves as a reminder of just how wonderful the places we get to run in really are.

Thank you to…

First, thanks to all the runners who came to our first event back in ages and to the running clubs who chose us as part of their club champs.

A massive thanks to all the marshals and volunteers who came and helped out we love you all.

The core team for sterling work, under a bit of pressure; the Nanas for running the shop; the admin and finish line teams; and Catherine M for all the aid-station stuff!

Dani Dixon for all the clothing designs; see her sterling design work here:

Major thanks to all the photographers for all your amazing imagery. You can browse all the images on our new photo search engine, which lists credits for each phtoographer. You can download images for free. Have a look here:

Thank you to the sweeping teams and medics for keeping everyone safe, including our new medical event team.

Thanks to Steph at White Star Catering and the guys at Grounded Coffee for keeping us all fuelled, hydrated and caffeinated!

As always, the biggest of thanks to the farmers and landowners who smooth things out for us.

Thanks to Matt at Timing Monkey, for being less angry than usual.

Thanks to Running Imp for the quality medals, Flo and Frankie Fudge, Gritchie Beer for a quality brew, Runfit Fordingbridge for the massages, Junk-o-saurus for recycling all our rubbish and RSPB for their stand.

Thanks to the Grim Reaper, as ever, on Pregnant Sheep Hill.

Finally, thanks to the Rushmore Estate team for helping us create such wonderful races!

We return in May to the Rushmore Estate for the Ox Races. See you there for more of the same.

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