New Event Lockdown Frolic

What is a Lockdown Frolic?

Over a 12 hour period you do as much running OR walking as you want. Open to any age or ability.

So run or walk as a family or group of friends

The idea is: You sign up as a solo everyone does.

No entering as teams because you want to be able to choose your medals, not everyone wants a Wicked Weasel when they can be a Sultry Squirrel.

You then create your own informal teams and then when you submit your results and photos tell us your team names.

It also means you can run social distanced and don’t have to be in the same area, county or even country

Got it? Thats simple right?

Create your own teams

Race instructions Like a normal race… well it isn’t

This is a treasure hunt, you have to find things, the more creative you are the better. You take photos while on your run of the things we ask you to take photos of “treasures on the list”….best photo will win prizes

The list will be published a 07.00 am on the saturday of the race via email and social media
You have 12 hours to run as far or as few miles as you want you do not have to start at 8 am you can start at any time but you must be done by 8pm
“Yeah but what if I cant find all the photos?” Aha well its about the best individual photo.

So if you cannot find an item or its a bit rubbish do not panic.

You could find all the others and still win

We choose the best pics in each category

Prizes The prizes will be varied and accessible to anyone even the kids….

PROOF WILL BE NEEDED best solo mileage, best team milage over a day best team and solo elevation on a single run, best individual photo taken, so a solo runner or team could win this, best selfies and so on

Best team names also will win everyone in the team a prize. Submit what your team name was with your photos after the event

There will be loads of prizes

So you could win free race entry to a WSR after the virus has gone, loads of stuff from WSR shop, free beer or cider at a race in the future

And one lucky runner will be a personally escorted to Si Davies shop Click here we love Simon and given…..yes GIVEN a pair of shoes for running in of their choice FREE (little cheap shoes are nice…)

When you enter you enter as a solo there are questions that need to be answered where you can detail your information about your team.

Price is £20 per person When completed all entrants will receive a fantastic woodland animal medal of your choice, a nice little discount from White Star Clothing and legendary Squeakie and woodland animal muff to compliment your medals

****Please note all pics submitted will be posted on Facebook and Instagram and perhaps other social media if we can find a young person to show us how it works.

Yeah so you will be famous

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