Introducing the White Star Running Loyalty Scheme!

Do you like White Star Running races? Do you like freebies? Well, you’re probably (hopefully!) going to like our brand-new Loyalty Scheme, launching in 2023. Sort of like a Boots Advantage card… but without the card and with cool goodies and discounts to be earned.

Why are we launching this? Well, we have so many loyal runners who come to White Star races again and again, and we want to give you something to say thank you. We really appreciate you choosing to run with us each year.

You will need to have an account on our Clubtrac page to be able to gain points. So, if you haven’t got one already, then make sure you set one up now so you can start earning points once the scheme launches.


Having an account makes it quicker and easier to sign up for races, and also means that you can view and manage your entries.

You can earn points for all our races:

Races up to 10 miles = 5 points

Races of 10-20 miles = 10 points

Marathons, Ultras and Frolic races = 15 points

Our Frolic races are some of our most popular events, and with loops of between 5K and 10K, they’re really accessible to everyone, so we hope you will all have a chance to earn lots of points this year.

And what do points mean? Well, prizes, obviously! Here is a table showing you what rewards you can work towards. You can use your points as soon as you like, but the longer you hold on to them and build them up, the bigger the rewards.

It doesn’t cost you anything extra, and if you enter a Frolic and a half-marathon this year, for example, you get a bonus Muff just for being a loyal WSR runner! We’ll update you with more information on how to claim these rewards once the scheme officially launches. Watch this space!

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