Race photos

Race photos

Say cheese!

We are lucky to have several people who come along to our events to take your picture and give you some memorable photos of your time doing our events. Your photos are available to download for free for your personal use. 

2023 race photos

Are published as albums in our Facebook Group by the photographers that come along to the events.

2020 – 2022 race photos 

Is on a race photo system to make it easier to find your images. You can see race photos for 2020- 2022 and you can search by the race number you had on (as long as it was visible) or with a selfie of yourself.

2019 Race Photos (On Facebook)

Below are the 2019 season of pictures taken by our friend Rob Hannam. Rob takes thousands of photos at our events to do his best to ensure everyone features in a snap.

Many of you will have seen him standing on a remote wet and windy hillside blending quietly into the background. You can see more of his work on his Facebook Page.

Note: When using a mobile to open links to albums, open the links in a browser and log in to Facebook. If you open with the Facebook app, then you will need to navigate to Rob’s photos from links on the page.

Rob Hannam Photographer

Dorset Invader

Giants head

Crafty Fox 2019

Run Jurassic 2019

Dark Valley 2019

These ones are by our very own Barrel Master, Kev Roberts