Crafty Fox Race Instructions

Race instructions are winging their way to your inboxes, with the event timetable, all your pre event to do’s, along with vital race information. As we have now passed the deadline for changes, race numbers are now heading out to you in the post, so please do not forget to bring it with you on race day.

If you entered after 25th May, you will need to collect your race number from Admin.  If your race number does not arrive in the post, do not panic, come to admin to collect a replacement number before your race.

Please make sure you have familiarised yourself with our Covid secure arrangements, which can be read here

We have tweaked and learnt from our first 2 events back and you were all so good at social distancing, you will be gathered for the start briefing and then started in groups of approx 25 runners at a time. Please please please bring your mask’s, we’ve been letting a few in the marquee to collect their goodies without, when no one else is in there but it’s more important to have one and carry it in case you need to receive medical treatment.

The long range weather forecast is looking hot and these are challenging races. There is no aid on course so please be sensible and carry what you need.

Keep up to date with any last minute event information in the Facebook Event 

If you didn’t receive a copy you can also see them here: Final Crafty Fox Race Instructions 

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