Aid Stations for Step 4

As we’ve explained before with the lifting of restrictions we are taking a measured approach with our events and still managing the risk of Covid-19 to ensure we can keep everyone safe.

You can expect to see more marshals back on routes, you will be able to try things on in the shop (with mask on and sanitised hands), the medal display will make a return and you will be able to leave your keys with us.

This next step for us also brings food back to our aid stations and we are starting to try and resemble something normal, but as the Summer Larmer Race instructions say this will be the first time the aid station teams have put new practices into place, so please be patient while they adjust to another new way of working.

You can expect the aid stations at Summer Larmer to have sweets and crisps on them and the team have been working hard on the safest way to serve you aid during this stage of our events.

On arrival at an aid station you will need to sanitise your hands and then marshals will serve your chosen items in plastic cups. It’s not the most environmentally friendly way, but at present we feel the safest. There will be a focus on distributing the sweets, crisps, savouries etc using scoops into the cups. If all goes well and this new way of working seems to work for marshals and runners, we will look at introducing more food  items over the summer.

You will still need your own cup for fluids and again these will be served by marshals.

We will remain cautious as we don’t want to put anyone at unnecessary risk but this is aimed at the first step on trying to return to a more normal aid station plan for future events.

If you need specific items or like certain food, we would still recommend you carry that with you for your race or if you are doing marathon distance leave it for either drop box on your route ( SL Race Instructions) We would also encourage you to carry water with you especially if hot weather is predicted.

Watch our short video to get a sense of how an aid station will operate

Thank you for embracing this next phase and continuing to do your part to help keep our events safe.

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