Welcome Back

A gentle reminder for all runners as we are in a really different situation regarding Covid than we were a year ago.

Restrictions are ending and life is slowly going back to normal. We did issue a small update about this for the 2022 season already, which you can read here.

However, we are very aware that everyone’s situations are very different, and the easement of restrictions will impact on people in different ways. Therefore, we are asking for everyone’s kindness and support at our events this year. Some of our team will be wearing masks and PPE through personal preference.

We ask you to respect everyone’s individual choices. We know how excited everyone is to meet up and catch up, but do please remember to be courteous and respectful of other people’s boundaries.

You know how much we all love a hug, but do please ask first – and don’t be offended if some aren’t quite ready for a hug fest yet. In terms of ongoing hygiene procedures and good practice, we are still recommending wearing a face covering in indoor spaces – this is personal preference and we won’t tolerate any unkindness towards others for their preferences.

We also ask you to use hand sanitiser at certain touch points (aid stations, using pens, before eating and at the shop).

Don’t forget to bring your own safety pins/event clips, as well as a cup. And if you’re not feeling well, please don’t attend.

White Star Running prides itself on being inclusive, supportive and friendly to all, so please help us in keeping our races a safe and enjoyable experience.

Thank you

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