Step 4 in the Roadmap

Following Boris’ announcement that England will be moving into Step 4 of the Covid roadmap on 19th July, we wanted to reassure you of the continuing good practice WSR will be taking forward at its events to continue safeguarding you, the runners, our crew and marshals for the foreseeable.

Lifting restrictions doesn’t mean the risks from Covid-19 have disappeared. Instead, it marks a new phase in response to the pandemic, during which we all need to manage the risks to ourselves and others as we learn to live with the virus.

Step 4 Guidance  WSR’s Practical Approach
All remaining limits on social contact will be removed and there will be no more restrictions on how many people can meet in any setting, indoors or outdoors.We would love to welcome more runners to our events, but the remainder of the calendar is already set at full capacity and so we would always encourage you to enter early, so you don’t miss out.
Large events, such as music concerts and sporting events, can resume without any limits on attendance or social distancing requirements.For the summer we will continue to encourage you to maintain a respectable distance with people you don’t normally meet in enclosed and crowded spaces.  
We will also continue to limit numbers of people in marquees to support this.  
Evening entertainment will return to those events we have it planned in for.
The legal requirements to wear a face covering will be lifted. To help reduce the spread of Covid-19, guidance will advise that wearing a face covering will reduce your risk and the risk to others, where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet.It will be personal choice to wear a face mask at our events.
However, you will be required to carry one in case you need to receive first aid treatment.
Aid station marshals will continue to wear disposable PPE for handing food.
Social distancing rules will be lifted. You should continue to consider the risks of close contact with others, particularly if you are clinically extremely vulnerable or not yet fully vaccinated.Our Covid signage around the event village will remind you to observe social distancing as a prompt to be conscious towards others who maybe more cautious of restrictions lifting.  
Marquees will continue to have an entrance and exit signposted to help the flow of people through those enclosed spaces.  
Mass race starts will return.  
J & J hugs will continue to be virtual for the time being.
Businesses should make sure that workers and customers who feel unwell do not attend the setting.We will continue to encourage you to stay at home if you have any of the Covid-19 symptoms.
If you are contacted to self isolate and therefore unable to attend, you will be able to complete the race virtually, once out of isolation.
Businesses will be encouraged to ask staff and customers to clean their hands regularly and clean surfaces that people touch regularly.   As well as reduce unnecessary contact where it is practical.Hand sanitiser will remain an essential piece of kit to carry, and you will be asked to use it when touching items.
For example:
On arriving at an aid station and if self-pouring
When using pens to complete the back of your numbers
When looking at the medal rack (which will make a return)
Touching products in the shop
Before/after using facilities
Before eating
When you pick up your goodies that we will continue to lay out for you  

Our facility manager’s role will continue, so toilets and showers will be regularly wiped down, and the spray and sanitiser will remain for your use, should you wish.  

Events will continue to be cupless and not provide safety pins, to reduce unnecessary contact and also to continue to make WSR a more environmentally friendly company.
Businesses will be encouraged to display QR codes for customers to check in using the NHS COVID-19 app, to support NHS Test and Trace.We will continue to have QR codes for you to scan to ensure we could provide an efficient trace and trace system if a positive case was notified.
Individuals may choose to limit the close contact they have with those they do not usually live with in order to reduce the risk of catching or spreading Covid-19.We would remind runners to respect and be considerate of others who may wish to take a more cautious approach as restrictions are lifted.

We believe this next stage will help us safely return to a more ‘normal’ event for WSR, while being cautious of everyone’s individual needs and approach to the lifting of restrictions.

Many habits have become second nature and will continue to provide peace of mind and reduce the risks to everyone, while enjoying events to their full.

We thank you for continuing to follow the guidance we put in place so that everyone can enjoy our events. But if at any point you don’t feel safe at an event or have some concerns, please come to the Admin area so they can be addressed and dealt with as soon as possible, to make sure all our events are safe for everyone.

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