Giants Head Marathon and Sydling Hill Race 2021


This is not an easy announcement to make, but one we feel we should do after a lot of discussion and soul searching. We have made the decision with our good friends in the village of Sydling to cancel the Giants Head Marathon and Sydling Hill races for 2021.

Although there should be no restrictions on travel or social distancing by that time, the village has taken the hard decision that they’re not ready to host the event this year.

We completely agree.

The whole event is built around runners becoming villagers for the weekend. The races are slap bang in the very centre of the village. We also run into three other villages. The races bring in nearly a thousand people from all over the country to a village of only 400 or so.

We all feel that if we’re to have the race weekend we have all enjoyed over the last 8 years, then we should wait another year.

So, what does this mean for your race entry? We all know these races are hard to get into.


All your entries are safe.

We now have a space in our running calendar. We know you’ve all been training hard – maybe – for two tough races on that date… but, we have a plan. We’re in talks with another race venue to create an event. This will be a marathon, half marathon and 10K (ish) and kids’ races all over the same weekend in Dorset. There will be camping and a free barn dance as well… a lot like the GHM weekend.

Now what?

We know that GHM is a very hard race to get into. We would love to have as many people as we can at these races, but it’s become a victim of its own success.So, here’s what is happening

Option 1

You do nothing. Your race entry transfers automatically to the 2022 event, which will be held on 26th June 2022.

Option 2

You defer your entry to the new race we hope to be hosting on 26th/27th June 2021, when we announce details.

Distances will be the same, just as tough and still in our fine county. We will guarantee everyone who is currently entered this year and chooses to move to the new event, priority entry to next year’s GHM and Sydling Hill races. You will have to pay though; it’s not a freebie as you will have used your original entry for another event.

Option 3

Defer to another race in this year’s race calendar that’s not already full. As above, we’ll guarantee everyone who has entered this year’s GHM races priority entry to next year’s GHM and Sydling Hill races. You will have to pay though; it’s not a freebie as you will have used your original entry for another event.

We want you to get into the GHM ,so everyone that swaps into the new race or another this year will get an opportunity to enter before the 2022 races go on general sale. You will have to pay but you will get in… promise!

Obviously, this is not an announcement we want to make, but we hope the options are clear. All other races are at venues that are easier to accommodate a lot of runners safely. GHM will be back!

As soon as we have news on the possible new race venue for that weekend we will let you know, until then keep training, chill out & keep an eye out for news.

The WSR Team 

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