Introducing Winter Larmer 2021

Last week we announced that we sadly have made the decision to postpone the Spring Larmer events for 2021. We did this with a heavy heart, but the coronavirus situation is not getting any better and we wanted to make the decision early. If the Olympics can switch to a new date, so can we!

If you entered Spring Larmer, you should have received an email from the system giving you your options. In a nutshell: if you do nothing, your entry will roll over to Spring Larmer 2022. You also have the option to complete Spring Larmer on the original dates as a virtual event (only available to original entrants; email [email protected] to take this option); to move your Spring entry to the new Winter Larmer event this December; or you can transfer to a different event this year that has availability – email [email protected] for these last two options.

Please be reminded that we have a very reduced team at the moment, and we’ve had over 200 emails about Spring Larmer so far – it will take a little longer than usual to get back to you, but we do have it in hand and you will get a reply. Bear with us, thank you.

So… what’s this whole Winter Larmer thing all about? We have been speaking to the race venue about when we can run our planned March event, and bearing in mind we already have a Summer Larmer event later this year. Larmer Tree Gardens is a very popular wedding venue and some of the brides of 2021 have faced enough cancellations and upsets over the last year.

The last thing we wanted to do was have hundreds of sweaty trail runners rampaging through a serene wedding scene! In honour of this, we have agreed the best available date for the race, without upsetting the venue’s other commitments. Winter Larmer is planned as a ONE-OFF EVENT – Spring Larmer will be back as usual next year. Here are the details.


When? 4th-5th December 2021

Where? Larmer Tree Gardens

Distances? The same as Spring Larmer – marathon, 10-mile, 7-mile, half-marathon, 20-mile

Camping? No. It’s December.

Food? Goodies in your bag, as well as catering vans.

Fancy dress? Obvs. Crack out your Christmas tutus…

When can I enter? Opens for new entries on Friday 29th January 2021 at 7pm (to give those who want to transfer from Spring Larmer time to claim their spots)

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