Spring Larmer 2021 Update

Hello everyone hope you are all fit, well and safe.

This Covid thing is not looking good and not going away. We have been in discussion with the Rushmore Estate about the Spring Larmer races. Both us and the Estate team really want the event to go ahead, but only when it is safe to do so. We are therefore postponing the Spring event to the autumn, and we will have a new date as soon as possible.

We will let everyone know the new date via email and social media, so please keep an eye out. We will let you know all the usual options about deferral etc when we have a new date. We are really sorry we have had to do this, but we would really like to thank you all for your continued support in uncertain times.

As such, we are also suspending entry for these Spring Larmer races until we have further clarity on dates. If you wish to read more on the current UKA advice on running and events, please see: https://www.englandathletics.org/athletics-and-running/news/guidance-update-2021/

We really hope you can join us for the new ‘Not the Spring Larmer’ races later in the year (and don’t forget there is also the new Summer Larmer races in August – same venue, less mud, still hilly). In the meantime, keep safe and keep watching Netflix.

Andy and the WSR and Rushmore teams.

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