Last couple of weeks for 20% off Trainers

Lockdown Frolic

Well done to all of you that managed to get out there for this event in the lovely British Summer weather. Not quite our normal race but you have surpassed yourselves with what you have got up to. We have been amazed by all the posts, pictures and emails sent in – you guys are AWESOME!!  Our Facebook page have got all the pictures and video’s loaded on to it for you to see.🐮🦄🦖🦊

Remember if you took part you still have August to get your 20% off a pair of shoes at Up and Running in Bournemouth when you take in your entry confirmation email to Simon & the team and one lucky winner is getting a free pair of shoes.

The winners for each category prize have been contacted by Andy & Jo with details of your prizes- congratulations














We awarded a bonus prize to Team Monkey who managed to get a treasure hunt item snapped next to something White Star we didn’t produce ourselves- well done Lucy & Chris

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